Getting a new Puppy?? This can be a real daunting time for some families unsure of what lies ahead!!
The first 3 months of a puppy’s life is extremely important – this is where they form many of their lifelong habits The opportunity to discuss and help correct the many challenges that can arise, on a weekly basis can greatly assist owners in getting the most enjoyment out of their new family friend – in a fun relaxed environment!!!

House Training
Vet Care
Basic commands
Plus More
Training is generally for puppies 8-12 weeks of age. The classes are kept small and run over 4 consecutive weeks. Bookings are essential.
Pet Essentials are proud to have Kate Hocking B.Sc. as the chosen Professional Dog Trainer – Kate has been a hearing dog trainer and comes to us with many many years of training experience from the smallest to the very large dogs.
For Bookings & Enquiries Click Here